
Business Model reverse-engineering

Experience at: Apple Developer Academy Date: 14/11/2022 Role: iOS Developer & Marketing Strategist

This project not only involves understanding the past and present choices of the Twitter company but also delving into the details of their monetization strategy. By fixing a blank screen reachable through the Monetization Menu, we aim to enhance the user experience and provide valuable insights into Twitter's business model.

My role

In this project, I had the unique opportunity to take on dual roles as both a Business Strategist and an iOS Developer. As a Business Strategist, my focus was on gaining a comprehensive understanding of Twitter's history and decision-making processes. I dove deep into the company's past and present choices, meticulously analyzing their business model to recreate the canvas. This involved studying various aspects such as revenue streams, key partners, customer segments, and value propositions.

Additionally, as an iOS Developer, I took on the challenge of reverse-engineering the main view, side menu, and navigation system of the Twitter app. By meticulously examining the app's structure and functionality, I was able to gain valuable insights into its design principles and implementation details. I then utilized my development skills to implement the missing screen in the Monetization section, addressing the issue of a blank screen and improving the overall user experience.
